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Staff and Leaders

Pastor Nick Keller

Pastor Keller and his wife Kimberly. They have four wonderful children: Jacob, Jude, Jill, and Josh. 

Also teaches the young adult's Sunday school class as well as the Bible classes for GA Baptist Seminary.

   The story of Pine Valley Baptist Church is best described by Psalm 118:23, "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
   In March 1974, four families began, what was then named, Maranatha Baptist Church. Throughout the years, Maranatha had three pastors. By the 80's, Maranatha had become a prominent revival center of the area.
   In 1994, Georgia Baptist Seminary (then, Trinity Theological Baptist Seminary) began to hold its Bible college classes at Maranatha to train local men and women for service in local churches.
   In December 2004, after the pastor’s resignation, Maranatha Baptist Church consisted of a small remnant of members that were meeting faithfully under the interim work of Nick Keller. The next year, 2005, twelve people voted to have Nick Keller to be their pastor.
   Over the next decade, ministry growth was slow. Between 2010 and 2015, Pastor Keller began to emphasize community outreach and mission’s giving, and this directly transitioned the church into a new stage of growth.
   In July 2015, the church sought to initiate a fresh start by renaming the ministry and Pine Valley Baptist Church. By the next year, the church had grown enough to be able to begin supporting Pastor Keller financially.
   In 2017, the church continued to reach into the community and began to help those struggling with strongholds and additions.

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   In January 2018, Pine Valley Baptist Church held their first RU Recovery Program meeting.
In 2020, we remodeled the second floor  into our children's ministry area and began a new campaign for a large multi-purpose building to allow more space for classes, a gymnasium, and missionary housing.
   Since 2020, despite the covid pandemic, Pine Valley Baptist Church maintained ministry. Over the past few years, we have seen dozens of families join the work and we are seeing souls saved, baptized, and discipled on a regular basis.
   Today, Pine Valley Baptist Church is a thriving testimony that God is still in the business of changing lives! To Him be all the glory.

Staff and Leaders

Jeremy and Shannon Reed

Teen Leaders

Jeremy Reed and his wife Shannon are our teen leaders as well as the RU directors. Their children: Libby, Addie, and Ellie.

Gary and Teresa Finks

Children's Leaders

This is Josh and Kaleigh Brady who passionately lead our children to know and love God better. 

Jason Parmer

Choir Director

Jason Parmer is our choir director. He and his wife have their son Jack.

Leah Collins


Leah Collins is an amazing piano player, who also teaches piano lessons to kids of all ages.

Stephon and Sharon Hudson

Discipleship Director and Wife

The Hudsons lead the discipleship program. Stephon is head of church security. He heads the sound and media for each service and is active in RU. Sharon is the secretary and teaches the youngest Sunday School class.

Jim and Carrie Hudson

Senior Saints Leader

Jim Hudson teaches our most experiences folks. He also is the treasurer.